Friday, March 12, 2010

The Design of the Gospels

                    Matthew         Mark              Luke               John

Presents as: Messiah           Servant           Son of Man     Son of God

Genealogy: Abraham                --              Adam              Eternal

                  (Legal)                                    (Blood line)      (Preexistence)

What Jesus Said                  Did                 Felt                  Was, Is, Will Be

To the:        Jew                  Roman            Greek               Church

1st Miracle: Leper               Demon           Demon              Water to
                  cleansed            expelled         expelled               Wine
                  (Jew = sin)

Ends with Resurrection      Ascension        Promise of         Promise of
                                                                Spirit:                 Return:
                                                                Acts                   Revelation

Style:         Groupings        Snapshots        Narrative           Mystical

Ensign:          Judah            Ephraim           Reuben              Dan
Camp Side:    East             West                South                 North
Face:              Lion              Ox                  Man                   Eagle

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