Thursday, February 11, 2010

Point of Interest: Insights from the Language

The creation of humanity is the pinnacle and highlight of Genesis 1 and 2. As God spoke things into existence, he said that it was good, and in Genesis 1:22, He blessed the living creatures and gave them a command to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the waters and the earth. But, in Genesis 1:28 when God created man, He blessed them and said “to them” be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it and have dominion over all living things. This little preposition “to” shows that we were created to be in relationship with our Creator. God spoke “to” us.

As the creation account grows more specific in Genesis 2 and focuses on the creation of man and women, we see some interesting relationships in the names. In Gen. 2, we are introduced to Adam. His name in the Hebrew is transliterated as ADAM, and it shows up in 2:7 even though the English does not distinguish between the use of “man” in the verse. The first time it appears it is “ISH” which is translated man, and the second time “man” appears it is “ADAM” which can also be translated man. The beauty in this verse is the relationship that exists between man “ADAM” and the ground (red clay) “ADAMAH”. “ADAM” was created from the “ADAMAH” as a potter would fashion clay. God was hands-on when He created man. Another interesting relationship that exists in the language is the connection between “man” and “woman.” In Gen. 2:23, we see the woman taken out of the man. The words that are used in this special relationship reveal that “ISHAH” is taken from “ISH.” Again, just from the language, we see some very special relationship that God created in the very beginning and how we are a people of relationships.

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