Thursday, February 18, 2010

Point of Interest: Prophetic Books

In recent history, the Prophetical Books have had two designations: major prophets and minor prophets.  The major prophets are the first five: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.  The minor prophets are the remaining twelve.  The major prophets are "major" because they are longer books while the others are "minor" because they are shorter.

They are divided into three chronological periods: Pre-Exile, Exile, and Post-Exile.

To Israel:      To Judah:        To Assyria:        To Edom:
Hosea             Habakkuk         Jonah                   Obadiah
Amos              Isaiah                Nahum

Exile from Babylonia:

Post-Exile to Jerusalem:

Twelve of the prophetical books were written during the time covered in the book of 2 Kings, which records the decline of the nations of Israel and Judah.  The primary message of the prophets was to the nations to stop sinning and return to the Lord.  Ezekiel and Daniel minister during the time of the Exile in Babylonia, and Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi minister during the time of the return.

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